Registration for DECAMP ICT Security Online Courses is now open!
Europe’s 1st ERASMUS+ ICT Security
Online Course Offer for ECTS Credits
...has become a success story!
DECAMP stands for Open Distributed European Virtual CAMPus and has been set up for the purpose of delivering specialist courses focused on ICT Security. DECAMP is a unique and unprecedented international strategic partnership between five EU IT faculties of well-known universities in Finland, Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain. DECAMP has been specially created for you. Tuition-free with 6 recognized ECTS! The aims of this strategic international DECAMP partnership are:
Increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks pose a growing threat to organizational networks and ultimately to the economy as well as to national and international security. ICT security has now reached dimensions which necessitate joint international efforts, supported by combined know-how and expertise. DECAMP is specially designed to address these needs. It meets the challenges of the growing demand for skilled network security professionals. For you as an ICT student it is a great opportunity!
As an open platform, DECAMP features innovative network blended learning online courses. These courses will equip you with new key competences in ICT security. You have a unique choice of ICT security online courses offered by Finnish, German, Italian, Romanian and Spanish ICT experts.
DECAMP combines various teaching methods with different ICT security approaches and introduces online teaching elements based on virtual labs using virtual servers.
One of DECAMP's most prominent features: innovative hands-on remote virtual labs containing virtual machines and real equipment.
DECAMP's unique feature: Virtual labs enable you to gain hands-on experience of simulated security attacks. Scenarios of this kind cannot normally be practised in your real network environments because of the risk to local networks.
In 2014, DECAMP was chosen to be the first ERASMUS+ project in Germany on the topic of ICT security. DECAMP is coordinated by Munich University of Applied Sciences,
Germany, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics.
The creation of the DECAMP online ICT security courses has been partially funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union with EUR 415,000 under grant no. 2014-1-DE01-KA203-000695. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.
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